
I don’t usually do things like this but I just need to rant a little because it’s been happening too much these past few weeks! You don’t really have to read this. 
Why can’t people get off my back about being a vegetarian?! Is that so odd?! At work, when someone is doing a demo of some meat product, they urge me to try it and I tell them “No thanks, I’m a vegetarian”, they try to pressure me anyways! It pisses me off, but I don’t ever show it. Just smile and ignore. 
Sure, they’re curious so they ask me questions. No problem. I’ll try my best to answer them. No, it’s not because of religion. No one is forcing me. It’s not because of my family seeing as my dad and brother eat meat, and my mom eats seafood. No, I have never really been curious enough to try it. I’ve been vegetarian since birth. Yeah, I eat egg. I’m missing out? Whatever. That’s your opinion. I’m content with my lifestyle.
I’m crazy? That’s just plain rude! What I eat isn’t real food? Now why would you say that? Stuff like that irritates me the most! And no, I don’t just eat raw vegetables every day! 
It’s not like I’m still holding a grudge about this but when I was in high school, my friends and I were at the mall, and they decided to get sushi (real sushi, lol  and not what I eat) at the food court. And they pressured me to eat a salmon roe one. My chopstick holding skills were pretty bad back then so I kept dropping it and all of the little eggs fell off. And then I ate it. I knew there was nothing else on it except for rice and seaweed, but just the thought of it made me sick to my stomach. Why? I have no idea! Maybe there’s some mental block in my mind telling me how wrong it is for me and I made myself sick.
Yeah, I don’t know. I’m just getting a little tired of justifying my reasons to others regarding this matter. Isn’t just saying that it’s my choice enough? Sure, I care about animals and their right to live and all, but honestly, that’s not a big part of this. 
Anyways, if you read through this, thanks. I just wanted to say what was bothering me lately. At 4:20 AM. Work’s going to be fun tomorrow. 


About this blog

I'm A~
24 years old
I just wanted a blog to post random stuff~
