I haven't written here for a while. But, I guess that's because I have Tumblr, and I've been kinda busy. It's not like anyone actually reads this.
Lately, my weekends have been like this one, except for last week when I went to see a movie with my friends. You know how you have those times where you don't want any human contact? I guess, in my case, I don't want to talk to anyone face-to-face or on the phone. Despite feeling like that, I was still feeling pretty lonely. I mean, I did talk to my cousin, and my parents yesterday morning, but then I just got this feeling, and I've just been ignoring my mom's messages to call her. I'm doing this a lot, and just passing it off as forgetting or being busy with school, even though I'm not.
It's a pretty crummy feeling. I'm feeling homesick, but I'm pretty nervous to actually have to go home. Being by myself isn't satisfying. Being at home might not feel satisfying. There's a conversation I need to have with my parents when I go home, and probably every time we talk on the phone, I think about it, and I clam up. I'm really nervous about it. I need to ask for something, and I'm scared about their reactions.
I mean, at least I have something to talk about to someone next time.
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