
I haven't really started any new anime since Free Eternal Summer, but I was kinda bored while I was making dinner today, so I decided to start The Devil Is A Part-timer, since it was on Netflix!

It's hilarious! I was kinda hoping it'd be somewhat like Beelzebub (which I still need to finish, but I think I might just start over and marathon it). Anyways, this did not disappoint! I'm almost done the series, and I wish there was a season 2! Ahh, Maou is so lame, but so cool! <3 nbsp="" p="">
But what am I doing, starting all these new shows when there's a month left until exams and there are so many projects and stuff to finish? I'm enjoying myself here finally, so that's all that matters, really. I felt so homesick and exhausted last semester, but I decided to do more stuff this time, and meet more people with similar interests. I guess once I started feeling more happy, I was able to let go of some hangups and be a little more social (only when I want to be though).

By the way, this happiness cloud, that I've been on lately, is from the Arashi concert. Even if it was a month and a half ago, I'm still so happy. It's been my dream (or rather, on my bucket list) for a long time, and it was something I thought would never happen. It's difficult to explain what Arashi is to me. I guess their songs, their shows, their personalities helped me through a lot of things, and I was able to open my mind to a whole different perspective sometimes. One thing that hasn't changed: they can always make me smile.

Interesting enough late night ramblings from me? I should sleep. I got sick somehow last week, and it's being very stubborn. I guess it also doesn't help that I'm up so late everyday. Get this under control already! You're 24 1/2! (Haha)


About this blog

I'm A~
24 years old
I just wanted a blog to post random stuff~
