
So I'm back from Quebec and Trois-Pistoles~ I guess that was about two weeks ago! I miss it soo much! But I'll blog about that later because my laptop has crashed and I have no way of obtaining my pictures right now.. T_T
But it was a truly unforgettable trip! :)
I miss everyone so much, especially all the vegetarians that I ate with and my housemates, but some of them live kinda close by, so hopefully we can meet up again someday! <3

I'm really bored right now.. I'm somewhat ready for school to start, but I do want to meet all my friends who go to university in another city before that.

Here's some random and awesome illustrations that I found on

Paris~ Je veux y aller! 


About this blog

I'm A~
24 years old
I just wanted a blog to post random stuff~
