
I can't believe that my 2nd year is going to finish in a few weeks! It's the crucial part now, isn't it?
I've got to work hard with the math courses and bring my mark up! There's still 70% of the mark left to be calculated, so I should be able to do it! What on earth is going in calculus now anyways? What is a hyperbola? I told myself I'd look it up when I got home, so maybe I should do that.

A hyperbolic function is a function of an angle expressed as a relationship between the distances from a point on a hyperbola to the origin and to the coordinate axes, as hyperbolic sine or hyperbolic cosine: often expressed as combinations of exponential functions. - From

o_o ... I think I need to think that through a little... 

Hmm I have to improve my French mark too! I still need to learn more words so I can actually speak without having to struggle and come up with the word in a different language. I've got a mini-contrôle tomorrow.. hope I can remember all the new words! I always have the most trouble with that part!

I haven't made a single thing recently.. so I'm feeling a little depressed~ The last time I made something was my little star-dust ball pendant (which ended up breaking, so I still have to fix it). And then I kinda lost my round nose pliers somewhere in my room, and it's been very difficult to locate. That probably has something to do with the mess.. ^.^" I need to cleeeannnn! I think my messy environment is also getting me down! I really want to make something! I can't wait till after April 5th! At least after that I'll be able to relax a little more while studying math! And after Apr 16th and 17th, I'll be completely free, and hopefully with a clean room!

Sure, I get super motivated to clean when my friends are coming over, but otherwise, I don't think I'm bothered because of my messiness.. It's certainly not a good habit to have...If I ever live in an apartment with someone, I think my roommate probably won't ever come into my room! :(

Ok, getting off topic! Gotta clean the room! That's what I need to do.. THIS WEEK! I'm pooped on the weekend anyways after work, so obviously not on those days. Whyyy is there so much to do with so little time!? I think, since I'm off Friday and the house will be peaceful with no one to bother me, I shall clean then! But I need something to make me do it on the actual day.. I don't think my determination to clean everything up can last for another 3 days! o_o

I'll be 21 soon. So.. I have to do this! On my own! And then I want to decorate! I've kept all my posters under my bed for 6 months because everything was still messy! I want my Arashi wall... D:

Oh no.. it's already 1:25 AM...I have to sleep and go to class early. Hopefully I get a lot of sleep on the bus/train, depending on when I wake up. And with that, I'm off to bed! Here's some cute pictures I found!

I really want to make something like this already!! I already bought the silicone and icing tip already too.. =3

Soon.. soon.. Just have to be patient till tests are over!


About this blog

I'm A~
24 years old
I just wanted a blog to post random stuff~
