
I'll write a short one, cuz I just woke up and I want to go eat!

It was really fun~ Got to see friends I haven't seen in a long time, and I made new ones! :D
There were a lot of awesome cosplays, and some funny ones! Since it's my 3rd year, I didn't really end up running around and taking pictures of every single cosplay I saw, except Phoenix Wright ones because they are beyond awesomes! XD But I still got a fair amount! I got a lot of them for just two days~!

There was also the JE meeting! It was great meeting more Arashi fans <3 !

I was going to go today, unless there was a storm (which there isn't) but I don't think I can handle it haha.

It was finally sunny yesterday, but I got a little sunburned, by which I don't actually mean sunburned. I get an allergic reaction these days if I'm in the sun too long -_- So I don't want to put my gloves on again and aggravate it.. so just taking it easy at home today!

I bought lots of manga yesterday! Instead of wasting my money on useless stuff, I bought something I'd read! I would have loved to buy shoujo managas, but I can read them online anyways.. and I don't want to just buy a couple of volume from the series! Because when I want to read the rest, I'd have to go and buy it in Chapters or something and that is too expensive...  Q.Q
And that's why I usually don't collect manga! All I have are random volumes of series I like, and ones that I got on birthdays!

So anyways, I bought a couple of Crayon Shin-chan volumes (3 & 4) last year, so I decided to get a couple more! I got 5, 6, and 7 this time. I wanted to get 8, 9 and 10 too but that would be almost 50 bucks.. ><
I could buy it.. but sooner or later I'd feel a twinge of regret as to why I spent $50 on this inappropriate child's manga. I also bought MW (which I was looking for everywhere last year but was always sold out), Vol 2 of Oooku (大奥), and Vol 8 and 9 of Gantz! A very random selection!

Other than that, I bought a bunch of pins, a Beelzebub bookmark, a bunch of Digimon plushies (Palamon and Gomamon), a couple of bow hairties (which now that I look at them, I can honestly make them myself...) and a Taichi/Agumon phone strap that I gave to my brother.

Oh, I almost forgot! I got there a little early yesterday because I wanted to go to the Dealer's Room, and browse around, but I couldn't go in because there was an ambulance there! I met one of my friend's randomly and we were just walking around when I spotted another Hilda! I went up to her to take a picture and noticed she had and Oga and Furuichi with her too! XD Haha I was seriously excited because I thought no one else would be cosplaying from there! But my friend took a picture of me with Oga and Furuichi! The guy told me to hold this little Beelzebub he had.. and I did! But after I left and was just wandering around, I noticed that there were little white hairs all over me T_T Whatever he made Beelzebub out of left a lot of stuff on me... -_-

And that's all for now! Haha, it still ended up becoming a long post because I just can't seem to be able to stop talking!


About this blog

I'm A~
24 years old
I just wanted a blog to post random stuff~
